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Manel Medina

Head of Operational Security Unit, ENISA


Work experiences:

Head of Operational Security Unit and former Deputy Head of TCD at ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency).

Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) since 1992 and Security Projects Scientific Advisor of Barcelona Digital Technological Center.

Head of esCERT-UPC, Spanish Computer Emergency Response Team and of the Internet Applications research centre (UPC), and also head of cANet, research center of Internet Applications of the UPC.

He has been full Member of ESRIF (European Security Research & Innovative Forum) and ESRAB (2006 – 2009) to advise European Commission about security research topics in the R&D funding programmes.

Founder of several spin-off companies:

–       Safelayer Secure Communications, leading European PKI software provider.

–       InetSecur and tb-security, information security management and auditing.

–       SeMarket, Company offering PKI enabled security solutions, PKI certificate validation and biometric identification.

–       Adda Documental: which develops solutions to digitalise, manage and search documents in multi lingual environments.

–       Ready People, that provides tools to manage mobile user attributes, including geolocation for web service providers.

He also created non-profit associations to promote security in information systems and digital document management:

–       President of AEFTIC: Association of Computer Forensics Experts.

–       Founder of Digital Consortium (Consorcio Digital) to promote e-invoice and e-documents usage in Spain.


Dr. Eng. Telecommunication since 1981 (Univ. Polit. Catalunya)

Eng. Telecommunication since 1974 (Univ. Polit. Madrid)